Technology of Health & Beauty


Laser Combs for Hair Regrowth

What's a Laser Comb?

A laser comb is basically an infrared (Low-Level Laser) heated hair brush.

Laser sounds like something that can burn a hole through your head, but laser brushes use Low-Level Laser that won’t burn your scalp and are perfectly safe.

The infrared light stimulates hair follicles (via photobiostimulation) and “wakes them upback into the hair growth cycle .

Here’s what happens:

The process naturally increases ATP and keratin production, which are the enzymes responsible for delivering energy to living cells, including hair follicles.

LLLT increases local blood circulation, which speeds up and promotes delivery of key nutrients for growing new, strong and healthy hair.

The result?

Thicker, stronger, fuller and healthier hair growth, and reduced hair thinning and loss.

(And a little-known bonus: An infrared comb can be very helpful for scalp eczema and itching. This wavelength is proven to reduce skin redness and itching)

Want to know more about how it works? Check this